Sunday, 5 October 2008

rotten weather

Fri 3
Decide to make a break as wind in NE and Ièm heading SW so it may give me a hand.
Initially blows me across road till get used to it. Ride interspersed with diving for cover as hail pelts down. Beer and a Jambon and Camenbert sandwich restore spirits somewhat. After hours in the saddle back sets and I shuffle around like a constipated chimp until I can get some flexibility back. Get some funny looks.
Made it to Pontorson to camp; really nice campsite but it's called Haliotis and I cant help pronouncing it wrong.

Sat 4th
A nice sheltered spot gives a windless night; bliss. Chilly in morning but sun is out so time to head South. South Westerly wind starts to build, then the rain starts again. oh well.
Get to Rennes; get lost; find tourist office: find campsite is back the way I came in.
Chatted to bit of French fluff on neither bike nor motorbike ( see comments) but on foot. My powers of seduction resulted in finding where the nearest supermarket was; must try harder.

Sun 5th
Day off in Rennes to recouperate.

1 comment:

steve said...

Hi Phil,

Sounds like your getting foul frenchee weather to me. My advice is cycle day and night toward Spain.Do not stop!!! Forget french fluff for nows is the time to think of 'Supine Senoritas' hot sun,those nice toasted cheese and ham sandwiches and undrinkable red wine with a bull on the label.
But most of all that thing that golden orb like thing that seems to hang low in the sky at this time of year is a must for the lone cyclist spirit. Ola!! ola!!Espania!!!!